Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Easy Ways To Blog Being # 1 in Google Search

Making the # 1 blog on google is a dream for a new blogger who deals in blogging / bloggers Newbie.Dalam this auspicious occasion, I will share this experience with my friend how easy that our blog can be # 1 in google search with the word Key we choose.

At some time ago I have been doing SEO Test by shooting the keyword "Learning Tricks Blog". Those already managed to become # 1 in Google searches (as this article I tulis/15-4-2011). For a proof of my friend please type in the kang Google.com with the keyword "Learning Tricks Blog" then click Search.
And here are five top ranking blogs / sites that appear on the front page of the 9.78 million kang Google search results:
1. http://blognoler.blogspot.com->PR 02. http://belajartrikblog.blogspot.com-> PR 23. http://t4belajarblogger.blogspot.com -> PR 34. http://www.oktri.co.cc -> PR 25. http://www.bloggerafif -> PR 0
From the above data did not rule out the blog even though we only have a PageRank 0, but still could be # 1 in Search Google.Dengan condition that we know the secrets of SEO Basic Sciences.
Bloggers can not wait huh? So your blog can become # 1 in google with the keyword that my friend direct targetkan.Baik course I will share the experience with a friend.
"Easy Ways To Blog Being # 1 in Google Search":
1. Please specify the keywords that will be my friend on fire, then type in the search results pencarian.Jika kang Google.Dan see search results have exceeded hundreds of thousands, eg 1 million results pencarian.maka buddies must find another keyword search results in hundreds of thousands or Underneath, eg 500 000 results, 830,000 search results, 35,000 search results, etc..
2. In selecting keywords, who wanted to shoot my friend do not be too ordinary / common, since it will lose bersaing.Namun do not get too specific, because maybe there will be no one who can find a blog / site pal.
3. After my friend found the keywords that fit and suitable for tembak.Selanjutnya pal pal please make the title of the articleselect your keywords that contain earlier.
4. Attach the Description and Keywordthe design of your blog:- 'Blog Description' is 'The description of your blog in adding keywords in select'- 'Keyword' is 'keyword a buddy shoot'.To my friend Newbie who do not know how to plug the keyword please CLICK HERE
5. Write select your keywords at the beginning, middle, andlate in the article.
6. Bold, Tilt or underlining on one select your keywords.
7. Create a label on the article containing the keyword shot my friend.
8. Find backlinks to other bloggers with links that point to the article my friend.
9. Commented by using the Name / URL pal, do not use google account buddy.
10. Create a follow-up article by posting a link to the article page that has the keyword buddy shot earlier.
That's it buddy Secrets of Basic Science Blog Seo Easy Ways To Be No.1 in Google search, which I use in Trial Practice SEO by shooting the keyword "Learning Tricks Blog". And already proved successful.

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